Monday, November 6, 2017

Words of a Man of God

One day I will recite these word, in many languages, with all my heart and they will know my God.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Song of the Soul

Chirping Bird

The first rays of Sun
Hit his nest.
After waiting all night
Never had he been more ready.
Never had his chirp been so beautiful.
It was time to fly.

One drop, two drop…
Rain poured.
He leaned on the branch
The wind swayed his settled nest.
I must fly, I must fly.

He swung his body with all his might.
Fought against the currents of the wind.
But it was too strong,
He waited all night for this moment.
Yet the wind seemed not to care.

He extended his wings,
Let the wind take him
To a difference place,
Made of other colors,
Fruits and trees,

As so the song of the chirping bird changed
Its melody to a harmony of a path not taken.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Cry of the Iser River

Cry of the Iser River

Who to know the horror
dumped in my
The day they came,
the home of my creatures 
now a grave to the
heaviest dust,
dense in transgression

My currents saturated tenfold 
Blurry as the vision of war 
covered their eyes & ears
Oxygen replaced by specks of ashes.
By morning, corpses of those 
that time & place did not favor became
the tombstone the world feared to write.

Each particle of my waters,
A tear of the people they killed,
now echo the untold at



Friday, April 14, 2017

Long days

It seems I've stopped writing for a long time. You see, having an audience inspires one to write even if one's thoughts are mucky and conspicuous. Some draw art, compose music and oh how they make us see the beauty in their minds, but all I have is the English language and half-broken Spanish. You can't hear the pauses I take after each sentence, checking my grammar, word choice, just know it happens. A lot. Pause.

Monday, February 23, 2015

5 Secrets That Will Help You Master Conversation Skills

Table 1.1: Responses

I have always wondered how to properly respond to a positive experience of those I care about, and being an introvert sometimes does not let me correspond as best as I wish to the accomplishment of others.

So I read this!

Very good read.

Monday, February 9, 2015


5 de febrero de 2015 Río de Janeiro, Brasil

En el marco de su primera gira universal, el Apóstol de Jesucristo Naasón Joaquín García visitó a los hermanos de Río de Janeiro, Brasil el jueves 5 de febrero de 2015.
Al hermano D.E. Atlaí Joaquín le fue encomendado iniciar la consagración previa a la presentación apostólica, a la cual asistieron algunos hermanos que se trasladaron a la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, además de numerosas visitas que se acercaron desde temprana hora a la Casa de Oración del barrio Madureira, donde se encuentra la Iglesia central del país, deseosas de conocer al Apóstol Naasón Joaquín y escuchar su mensaje.

A nivel nacional, la Iglesia Luz del Mundo tiene presencia en Curitiba, Sao Paulo, Navegantes y Espíritu Santo, además de sus obras o misiones y en Río de Janeiro cuenta con dos casas de oración; la principal que está sobre la importante avenida Intendente Magalhaes n. 10, en el barrio Madureira –donde tuvo verificativo la presentación apostólica–, y en Rúa do Chichorro n. 42, en el barrio Catumbi. Por su nombre oficial en Portugués, la “Igreja do Deus Vivo Coluna e Baluarte da Verdade: A Luz do Mundo”, fue inscrita en el Registro Civil Das Pessoas Jurídicas (n. 68. 772.300/0001-22), el 11 de noviembre de 1990.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Out of place

Raw from the heart.

That moment when you see others comfortable behind a counter, gliding their day with a smile on their face. What it takes to have what they have, an unexpiring meaning pulsing through their mind and body. Time, the ultimate oxidizer has no effect on their aura that day. Only a few can live like this, the rest of the lot let the suffocating expectations mold them into inconsiderate peacocks.

Some of us fall in through the cracks though, neither present nor absent. As in every chemical reaction in equilibrium, fluctuating from one composition to another. All we see is the tantalizing activity of seemingly grand figures through the cracks of perception. We are stuck, either by choice or circumstance, watching other work, succeed, suffer. Yet there we stand, waiting for the day when courage will flow through our veins, enough to fuel the effort of crawling out and fulfilling our destiny.